Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas On The Mission :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

Hey, all! Christmas was so great! Here is my message to President Ware today.

Christmas as a missionary is so wonderful. We were a bit confused on how to do it, but we were grateful for the service we got to render to our investigators and members, as well as those thoughtful souls who gave us such wonderful things. It was such a blessing to see you at interviews. Your kind and uplifting thoughts for us really gave me such confidence in myself and my work. Thank you for those.

Haleigh got baptized! Neither of us really know how to put on a baptism, but it seemed to go off "without a hitch." :) It was fun to watch as we prayed for that specifically, watch as our own plans for the program didn't quite go through, but then have our district leader compliment us on the baptism with those exact words. When you don't feel like something went very well, just for someone to answer your prayer like that is pretty cool. Haleigh is so happy. She told us later that night that she felt awesome; like a new woman. Sister Evans wrote up a little note for her encouraging her to always remember the way she felt that day. I hope she does! You can tell just by looking at her that she's different, and it's really cool to experience that.

We're also still teaching Thomas, and he wants to keep preparing to be baptized on the 9th of January. He is so awesome to teach. He is usually pretty eloquent with explaining the things we've taught him, and always manages to take his own symbolic twist on the subject. When we had our last lesson with him, Sister Eden, our member, turned to us after a comment he'd made about what we taught him and said, "Are you sure he's not already baptized?" :) Thomas keeps telling us that what we teach him about makes so much more sense than what he's heard before and when he prays, he tends to thank Heavenly Father for us helping him find his faith. What a blessing to stumble upon someone who's been so prepared! I am just hoping and hoping that the Lord will grant us the privilege of helping him be baptized this transfer. That would be such a miracle and a tender mercy. He came to church with Brian M. as well! We haven't had the chance to follow up with him about church, but we'll have to do that today. Hoping to meet with him tomorrow as well.

Art was at church yesterday as well! We taught him the 15-Step Program this week, the best that we could. I only ever almost taught that lesson with Earnado in my first area, but he skipped town before we could ever get in with him to teach it. I remember there being a teacher copy of the lesson as well as a copy for our investigator, and we only had a student copy for Art, and we did our best to teach those steps to him. He said he's working on the 15 steps when we asked him yesterday, and he said it's going okay... not really sure what that means. We're meeting with him tonight, so we'll have to encourage him on that when we meet.

We feel like Art is progressing, but it's kind of slow. We keep trying to move forward with the lessons with him to help him progress, but the stupor of thought about that during daily planning is real. We keep wanting to invite him to a specific date for baptism, but we keep feeling like the more we keep pushing his date back, the less he'll take it seriously. He seems to be willing to prepare for baptism, so what we're thinking is we'll ask him about it. Like, "What do you think of actually, for reals, about getting baptized on the 16th? No jokes." He likes to come to church, and is pretty good about reading in the Book of Mormon, so I think we should just do it. See where it goes.

Thanks for letting me talk about that. That answered a lot of questions. :) Another really great thing that happened this week happened while we were tracting! (Gotta love it!) I also think it came from sticking to our plans, so I'm grateful to my companion for that. We were torn between driving out to Mesa before our dinner appointment over there, and staying in the apartment complexes we'd tracted a lot. I was having so many doubts about it. "Maybe we ought to go to Mesa," as we're walking up the stairs to knock on someone's door. Then we knock, and this guy answers and— after asking his mom about it— tells us that they're not interested in talking. But as he's saying this, his mom whips around the corner and changes her mind. She came out to talk to us outside for a minute, then invited us into her house to talk to her in her room. She kept saying how crazy it was that we were there because she had just been talking to her son the other day about what she believed and how she wanted to find out. We answered her questions about our beliefs with the Restoration pamphlet, and encouraged her to pray and read the Book of Mormon. Before we even finished doing that, she looked at my Book of Mormon and said, "Can I have that?" :)

We had an appointment scheduled with her yesterday evening, but she seems to be a little bit back and forth with us. One minute she'd cancel and tell us that she didn't agree with our beliefs or cancel to reschedule, and the next she's okay again with letting us come over or asking us if we can help her with food. So we're not really sure about her, but it was definitely cool to find her at the right time! The Lord just knows! We hope she'll stay on the letting-us-come-over side of things so that we can help her feel the Spirit testify this is true.

~Sister Nielsen


Christmas with the family we live with! Love the Quintons!

Haleigh got baptized!! How great is that?!

Christmas hats from Sister Evans' mom = Christmas win

Oh, by the way, this is our car. Brand new 2016 Toyota Corolla. What.

Trip to the dentist today. Word.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Welcome to Connell! (Beginning Transfer 7)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Things in Connell are going really well already! The sisters have done a great job in this area, and the members are already so involved! It's been so cool to see how many of them have come up to us to give us an update on people they have been working with. We've only had two dinners with members so far, and already have three referrals! We have some big shoes to fill.

A lot of our week since Wednesday was spent in the area book and sorting through our directories and the great notes the sisters left behind for us. We spent a lot of weekly planning going through the big pile of former investigators to see which of them stood out to go by and visit. We pulled out a lady named Christina, who apparently has been meeting with missionaries from Basin City and Connell for 8 or 9 years. She already is doing Family Home Evening, and her two youngest kids have already prayed about the Book of Mormon and know it's true. When we went by to visit, we read a little from the Book of Mormon again and invited them to prepare for baptism again on the 26th of this month. We'll have to figure out a ride situation for them, it sounds like, because after she insisted they'd be there on Sunday, they didn't make it to church. Elder Harward, our district leader in Walla Walla, used to always tell us, "Church attendance directly correlates with member involvement." We'll have to ask her about it at her appointment tomorrow.

When we got to the area, we discovered the sisters had already been preparing two, almost three, people for baptism: Art, Haleigh, and Jackie. Haleigh lives with the members we live with, the Quintons. (Yeah. We live down the hall from one of our on-dates. Haha! :)) She is on fire, ready to be baptized on the 27th! We met with her Friday night and went over the interview questions with her. She passed with flying colors, but it definitely won't hurt to go over a few of the commandments. She had a hard time remembering all the details about tithes and offerings, and we're thinking it'd be very beneficial to go over Sabbath Day observance with her, since we came home from church and found her streaming the football game to her husband via FaceTime. Haha! (Can't get away with much when you live with the missionaries. ;)) (I'm sure she had a good reason. She just seems like she is so ready and converted.)

Art is another the sisters have been preparing. Apparently they haven't been teaching him for a long time, but it sounds like he is slowly starting to see the correlation between the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and the teaching record said something about how he was having a hard time finding answers. He's doing pretty well as far as quitting smoking, but still could use more of the foundational things. He's been to church twice and is on date for the 19th, so we're hopeful the fast we had yesterday will help him start to receive those answers and continue to act in faith by preparing for the 19th.

Right now our plan of action is to go through and try to visit all the former investigators that were in the area book (there were so many) and then try to work the area based on whether or not they're home or interested. I was really overwhelmed by it all when I first got here, but I think we're slowly starting to get the hang of it. I already really love my companion, Sister Evans. She has a good head on her shoulders, and she really is a great missionary. Her testimony is so genuine. We're already accomplishing a lot and it's only been a few days.

Another cool thing that happened this week was when we were contacting former investigators. We just happened to be standing there by our car trying to figure out where to go when Cynthia pulled up. We struck up a conversation and found out that she is searching for answers and seemed very open. We have an appointment with her tonight at 6:00!

So far the transfer has been quite good! I'm hopeful of the progress I've seen, and I've been trying to remember what my mission president told us at the transfer meeting about opposition and where feelings of doubt and fear come from. I already love it a lot here in Connell. I can't imagine how much it will grow as I get to know more people.

~Sister Nielsen

Our own little personal Christmas parade brought to you by Connell major providers ;)

Our ward mission leader's family in Walla Walla! (She got Sister McOmber and me that cute scarf for early Christmas!)

The Piekos family in their true character

(In Connell) It didn't take Sister Evans and me very long to find the Taco Truck. LOL. :)

The view from our front porch (the members' house where we're staying)

Our neighbors. ;)

Sister Evans and me!

We're getting along really well with the people in the community. Just looking for service opportunities.

And some leftovers from Walla Walla...

Me and Brother Ed Bush! Love that guy!

A few from our zone at the Humane Society on Tuesday

We nicknamed her Molly. I fell in love instantly.


Monday, November 30, 2015

Upward, Forward, and NORTHward

Monday, November 30, 2015

Transfer calls! Sister Nielsen is going to Connell, Washington, this week! It's, like, the most northern part of our mission. I'll send the map so you can see where it is. [Note from Lisa: The attachment wouldn't open, so I found another map.] Apparently it is so little. Haha! But the ward is huge. We'll be doing so much driving. Oh, and we're getting doubled in and starting the English work. I guess the missionaries there have always also been in the Spanish branch, so the ward is excited to get its own missionaries. I can't wait to tell ya what it's like.

Mission boundaries. Connell is at the top of the northeast quadrant.

This week has had so many things happen! There is an investigator, Vickey, who has been meeting with the sisters for so long, and has been dropped and picked up at least twice since I've been here in July. Her son Lee is in and out of jail a lot, and he had said that he wanted to get baptized with his mom, so they've pushed/postponed the date a few times. We met this week and she told us that Lee was in jail again. We were so nervous she would want to push her date back again because she has so been wanting to get baptized with Lee. But not long after she told us Lee was in jail, she said, "But I'm going to push forward with the baptism anyway. I'm tired of waiting for Lee." Kind of a bittersweet thing, but she feels really strongly about it. She just wants Lee to learn from the mistakes he's making, and she feels it will help him more if she moves forward with her life. She is so excited. We've got meetings scheduled with her until the 12th of December. She was at church yesterday, and loved it!

I spent a lot of time on today, trying to do as much research as I could about Connell. Where did the time go? Excited for this new area and new transfer. Sad to leave Walla Walla. So many good things have been happening! My companion, Sister McOmber, is receiving a new missionary, and I know she is going to love the area and the people so much.

Signing out from Walla Walla, Washington,
Sister Nielsen

With Ed Bush after Thanksgiving dinner with the Alter family. I think he had so much fun! We love Brother Bush

By the Walla Walla City Library. Man, this place is quirky!

Our cute little Christmas tree!

Oh, just another Walla Walla tree with a face. #wallaquirks

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Just some pics this week

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

She just sent some pictures this week! It's all good.

We found this in our potential investigator's yard. IT LIVES!

Snowy day at the temple today! :)

Us with the 1st Ward sisters at zone conference

(This is actually from last week.) Strike a pose in Prescott, Washington. Population: 50 feet that way.

Monday, November 16, 2015

This Lovely Week in November

Monday, November 16, 2015

Email to the family

Hello, family!

I didn't really feel like making a mass email this week, but if anyone wants to know how I'm doing, let them know about all that's been said in my attachment. I wanted to include what I wrote to President Ware. I thought it'd be a pretty good summary. I love you all so, so much, and I'm glad to hear that the funeral went so well. I'm so grateful for the knowledge we have of the Gospel and for what a blessing it's truly been for me— and for you all, I'm sure. Thank you for your great examples and for your love and support.

President Ware!

We are so grateful for this week. We've been really trying to help Samantha and Linda progress towards baptism this week. We had a lesson with Linda, and we almost lost her! We went to her house for our lesson with her on Friday and she started with, "I don't think this is for me, you guys." NO! So we asked some inspired questions with the help of our member, and we found out that she wasn't understanding the Book of Mormon and feeling a bit overwhelmed. We explained that she doesn't need to understand it all at once, and we're thinking about sharing scriptures from the Book of Mormon that are going to help her with whatever she's going through, instead of asking her to read and comprehend the whole Book of Mormon. We're thinking it will be a good start to get her warmed up to the language of the Book of Mormon and the way that it will make her feel.

Samantha's doing really well and is excited for baptism, which we are so grateful for. She recently got a job and they asked her to work on Sunday, so she wasn't able to come [to church]. We're pushing her baptismal date back again, to the 5th of December. We had been having a really hard time getting ahold of her until we thought to call her during weekly planning, and I was amazed that she not only answered but we were able to counsel with her about the expectations we have for her baptismal preparation, and she's agreed to let us come and teach her three times a week. Yay!

We've also been teaching someone named Himan. Sister Hamblin and I met him and his friend by the convenience store by our house. It was pretty funny because his friend was really drunk and was rapping and going on about Jesus and his conversion story while Himan apparently had this epiphany that we were exactly what he needed. As his friend was going on, Himan turns to Sister Hamblin and says, "Whoa. It's so crazy that you're here, right now." And she got his contact information and gave him a Restoration pamphlet. We've been teaching him on and off ever since. He tells us he loves what we teach him and he really loves how it makes him feel, but Sister McOmber and I have been struggling to teach him. It seems like he learns a little slower, but like I said, he loves it. He came to church yesterday, and really wants to come back next week. We invited him to be baptized this week, and he said he's going to pray about it. We're aiming to follow up with him again this week. What should we do if we think he might have a learning or other disability? Sister McOmber suggested having him meet our bishop to discern his needs. It's just finding a good time where both Bishop and Himan are available.

ALSO! You probably have heard from previous missionaries in this area about Vicky Trout and Lee Crosby. Sister McOmber was looking in the area book and came across their teaching record (probably because it's a really long one... :)) and we had the idea to call them to see how they were. They were both reeeally close to being baptized before I got to the area. Apparently they had been interviewed and everything, but when her mom died, progression just sort of stopped, and between funeral arrangements and her health, they sort of fell off the map. So when we called, she updated us on everything that had been going on and expressed her and Lee's desire to be baptized, but she expressed that health issues kept interfering. We explained that opposition would continue to arise because of the importance of what she was wanting to do, and encouraged her to push through it and commit to a date. They want to be baptized as soon as possible— the 21st, if they can. We counselled with Elder Harward and he encouraged us to review the lessons with them, since it's been so long. I'm thinking that's probably a really good idea. It'll just be a matter of how fast we can do it. We're both really excited, though.

We're so grateful that the Lord is pouring down these miracles as we're gradually talking to more and more people every day. The promise you made us is so true. We're still improving about talking to everyone, but even the quarter inch that we've seen has made a big difference in the work.

As far as my family, I didn't hear much from them. My mom sent me a little something in response to what I sent her for the funeral, and my sister sent pictures from the funeral and a little bit about how everything went. This is what I sent to her:
"It makes me sad that I couldn't be there, but I know Dad would want me here. The real Dad isn't in that coffin, and that brings me a lot more comfort. The real Dad is around me and right by my side when I need him. The real Dad is sharing the gospel on the other side with those who need it. I just pray this will be an experience that strengthens the whole family. I love the pictures of Maren [my niece] and I LOVE that Bradley [my brother-in-law] is wearing Dad's tie. It made me so happy to hear that Kevin and Shawn [my brothers] did such a great job with those prayers. There's a part in our handbook about the priesthood, and as it was talking about funerals, I thought about Kevin and Shawn and how they really are living worthily of the priesthood they hold. I am so grateful that we are living what Mom & Dad taught us. Doesn't it just make everything make sense? Doesn't it bring such peace? It makes me sad to see all this stuff that he loved so much left behind, and it makes me sad that I can't be there with Mom to help and comfort her, but I know that this scripture is true:

"'Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your soul, and your sins are forgiven you, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore, your family shall live. Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them.' (D&C 31:5,6)

"I am so glad that Dad is in a place where he is resting. I'm grateful for the promise of the scriptures because I worry about you guys a lot. I know that you will be okay, that we will be okay. I know the Lord will protect, lift, and comfort us with Dad's passing. I know that there is so much more to mortality than mortality. I know it because I feel it, and I can feel Dad. It's got to be true. There truly is no way it isn't."
There's been a lot of weight lifted about this. The Lord truly is healing my heart as I've been trying to forget about my problems and go to work. I miss Dad every day, but I can imagine it will be that way for the rest of my life— for as long as Dad just isn't with us anymore. But he is. And every day might be hard. But life needs to go on. It has to. That's what he would want. I can imagine some days are going to be really hard, but that doesn't mean it won't be okay.

There have been quite a few days where all I want to do is go home and be with my family, but I'd much rather be here. I have my whole life— and beyond— to be with my family, but I only have 9+ months left to serve the Lord like this. I just want to do all that I can while I'm here. I've been trying to let Sister McOmber help me with whatever I need as far as mourning or whatever, but I have an easier time just forgetting myself than talking about my problems. I figure it will resolve itself eventually.

Anyway. I'm rambling. I feel like things are going really well in spite of whatever is happening with my family. I'm grateful for the work of a missionary. It has been so amazing to be a missionary as my dad has passed. I told my sister the other day that I felt like I was cheating because I was out here with all this extra help as a missionary while they were at home dealing with it all. I worry about them, but at the same time I don't. Being a missionary truly is a blessing that I am beyond grateful for right now. I appreciate your support as well, President Ware. Thank you for all you've been doing for me and my family. Thank you for your prayers.

The work is rolling forward. The Lord truly blesses us in our afflictions.

~Sister Nielsen

Here are some fun pictures from the week.

That one time one of our members has a tree house

From a few weeks ago. The leaves here are so pretty!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Truly the Gospel Blesses Families

Monday, November 9, 2015

I am so grateful for the love and support I have felt from so many of you as the news of my dad's passing has spread.

For those who don't already know, my dad passed away last Thursday. His kidneys had been failing. Diabetes is a beast for the intestines. Eventually they got him on some medication that finally helped him to rest and relax. My mom helped talk him into the idea of it being OK for him to go, and he passed away peacefully. They let me know that night, and I didn't get to sleep right away. Thank goodness for the impression I had to take Benedryl; knocked me out, eventually. :) I was so worried about my mom. I couldn't imagine having to do that for the person you love the very, very most.

President Ware has been very, very supportive about it. He let me call my mom and talk to her after he had let her know that the protocol is to keep missionaries in the field instead of letting them go home for funerals. (Apparently when people go home, they try to not come back. #SatanIsReal)

My dad isn't suffering anymore from this disease that tormented his body for 21 years. He is free. He has free range to learn the gospel, to share the gospel, and be by my side helping me testify 24/7. His presence is real. It's so crazy. I feel him here with me, even now. I have never felt this close to him. They're having the funeral this Saturday, but I'll be here in Washington, sharing the glorious truth of forever families, with my dad right by my side. (It makes me sound like a crazy person, but I wouldn't say it if it weren't real.)

I don't want any of you to worry. We are all fine. I am fine. I'm going to be just fine. My family will be fine. My mom is clinging to the peace she has felt in the temple. Nothing is impossible. The Lord has made it right through the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is why I'm doing what I'm doing! So that others can have this peace, too. :) It's been surreal to feel my dad helping me, and I know that he truly lives on. He is my best friend, my "day-time friend," and we continue to have adventures together.

The work is progressing. Please keep Samantha D. and Linda A. in your prayers. They are on date for baptism, and are slowly progressing. I think we'll have to push their baptism dates back.

The gospel of Jesus Christ has never been more real to me. I know it's real. My dad has been here with me, and he knows it's true as well. The restored gospel will truly, truly bless my family and yours. If you are reading this and haven't already gained a testimony of this truth, I want to invite you to please, please do so. If you ask God, with a sincere heart, he will let you know that this is true. Please. It will truly change your life, and it has been a rock and a sure strength and foundation in mine.

-Sister Melanie Nielsen
daughter of Russell Kevin Nielsen (Sept. 13, 1960 - Nov. 5, 2015)

Rain, Halloween, & Taming the Beast

Monday, November 2, 2015

Busy day! Short email. Sorry! Here's what I sent to President Ware today.

I feel like Heavenly Father really has seen the desire I have to improve. The Lord has blessed us with opportunities to invite people to baptism! Samantha D. really wants to learn what God wants her to do and is so excited for November 21. She loves the way she feels when we teach her. She says the things we teach her give her "good goosebumps." :) We were so excited to teach her about the Holy Ghost when she said that! We invited her to church, but she said she got way sick the night before and couldn't make it. We're trying to get her stepmom's home teachers over to give her a blessing. We're not sure if that actually happened yet.

We hope we can keep consistently meeting with her. It seems like that would be the only thing keeping her from reaching her date. I think if we pray about a good fellowshipper for her, we'll have an easier time and keep her safe and progressing. We're meeting with her again on Wednesday, but wanted to stop by tonight to see if she's doing all right.

The other person we had the blessing of teaching this week was Linda A.! We met her at Subway the night Sister McOmber got here, and she kept talking about how she was ready to get clean and get baptized. We scheduled a return appointment for this last Saturday. We watched the Restoration video with her, her daughter, and her daughter's boyfriend, Luis, who was glued to the movie the whole time! She told us it was a really relaxing video and Luis said he really enjoyed it! She had questions about why there were so many Bibles, and she was quite frustrated about it, but it was so amazing to see how teaching her about the Apostasy really helped her understand how the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ really answers those questions.

She wants to work towards November 27 to be baptized. We wanted it to be sooner, but she has a hectic work schedule and apparently she relapsed on cigarettes. Many mighty prayers her direction. I think she's definitely ready to follow the Savior, but I still think she might have a lot of questions about things. Which things, I'm not sure yet, but I'm grateful for the way that planning and the Spirit help us.

It's hard to believe all of this only happened in a week. It's been a jam-packed week of miracles.

So pray for Samantha, Linda, Ed B., and Tanya G. At least for this week. Samantha and Linda are on date for baptism. Ed is struggling to come to church, and we're not going to meet with him until he shows a little more interest (and he's so, so close, too! He just needs to get his rear in gear!). And Tanya is a referral we got this week, and she has been prepared. We just need to get with her. ​And you know, we need to get people to church. Church attendance is so important, and it's a delicate balance of helping people get there and getting them fellowshippers who will help them get there as well. I wish missionary work were less of a learning process sometimes, but thus is life. We're doing our best. :)

Also, I cut my hair today. There was a whole animal hiding in there. Imagine that.

- Sister Nielsen

P.S. We got stuck in the rain with a broken umbrella. Who says it doesn't rain in this part of Washington?


He will do great things. ;)

Our pretty church in Walla Walla!


Look at how funny our bishop's family is. Oh my word.